Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Alphabet Adventure

B1 starts school in September (Arghhhh!) and he is very good at his alphabet however I wanted to just help with distinguishing been a capital letter and its little form to see how he copes ... It is also an opportunity to introduce M1 a bit more to the alphabet and help with his pronunciation. M1 doesn't say too much atm and I'm hoping some practise saying sounds can help ....

So I got some shredded paper from our shredder and placed in the tuff spot, I then got the magnetic letters out and hid them in the paper. We went and found the letter blocks, an alphabet animal jigsaw, the easel and chalks and the Leapfrog Alphabet Caterpillar.

I let the boys rummage through the paper finding a letter, when they found one I let them tell me the sounds, we then pressed the caterpillar to make sure we were right. We looked at the jigsaw and found what animal began with that sound and compared the letter to the easel letters. Luckily the jigsaw had capitals and little letters on for them to compare. B1 was more interested than M1 but he still liked to look through and sing the alphabet song and have ago at the different sounds.

After this I then had a load of shredded paper (everywhere!) so I made up a paper mache solution and B1 mixed it all together. I had an old drinks bottle I stuck to a tin lid and we formed a volcano! After some more paper mache and some painting when its dry this will be used in our next tuff spot adventure!

Friday, 26 July 2013

Snow & Ice Tuff Spot Play

So today we have had the first play with the new Tuff Spot, so we kept it simple!

Mummy had some fake squiggly snow solution and made a big bucket of that to pour into it, the night before she froze a big dish with water and pearls and also one with glitter so there were shiny icebergs! Along with icecubes and cotton wool balls we then went on a hunt around the house to find animals that live in and around the snow ... a polar bear, a penguin, a man wrapped up warm and M1 choose a goose! (well its white!).

They were then set loose on it and it kept them amused for ages! Squishing, exploring etc... we discussed what happens when ice melts and how it melts. B1 understood this more when the main iceberg started to melt and the pearls started to loosen... We talked about whether the ice & snow is hot or cold and where they thought it came from....

Great fun was had by all, so after a wash down with a hosepipe - munchkins and all! we tidied it all away. The only issue which arose then was M1 deciding to stand on a bumble bee in which the bumble bee won! Silly child but he learnt to be kind to animals next time!

Mummy is now busy thinking of what we can do next time with our tuff spot  .... ice cream play, dinosaurs, autumn fun, buried treasure, chocolate soil ....


Thursday, 25 July 2013

Ding Dong The Bells Have Chimed!


Reviving this blog once again!

To update you on whats been happening I've had baby number 2 (M1) and got married! B1 is now 4 years old and about to go start school in September and M1 is 2 years old and keeping me on my toes!

Im gonna be using this blog to document all the 'Tuff Spot' activities I'll be doing with the munchkins!
